New Band Name … we are
F.K.A. MSL ( mĭsʹīl )
Our new album “GOOD DAY BARNABY!” is coming out starting 11/11 on Bandcamp
A song a week every Friday with art for each single!
Full album will be on all platforms 12/30/2022 - Spotify - Apple Music
Things I'm Excited about...
this is not a blog.
The Hum by M. Roosevelt
Melissa Schlobohm of Fledgling Press
FLedgling Press
Melissa has a studio down the street from my house. She's put out some incredible prints, merch, creates massive swarms of bats, bugs and sting rays... Her installations surround you, her energy and attitude is nothing short of inspiring - an individual who never ceases to surprise me.
Check out her work on the walls of Drink More Good on Main Street in Beacon, and the occasional show at BAU Gallery.
A Lucky Cut from Lucky Longo
A Lucky Cut
Lucky's been keeping the city of Beacon decent for a long time now: Keeping our men and women and children fly af. If you see a fresh cut and a smile - chances are you're witnessing the afterglow of a haircut/therapy session the Lucky Longo and her pup companion, Coal.
She's finally making some big moves in our community this year (that I'll let her reveal come Valentines Day) but if you haven't let this angel fix your hair, your missing out.